1. Coffee

When wake up in the morning and see the sunlight rise up with a cup of coffee in your table. And then you drink it after read a newspaper with news about tomcat. Owh, that's great. For you who like coffee (cappucino, mocca cino, etc) you can be called a guy with hard worker and perfectionist personality. For your self-esteem, you hard to give up and stay focus with their destiny. It needed hard effort to conquer them. Generally, a guy with that type is rigid guy. So, when you saw them in the street, talk to them with relaxed conversation or invite them to dinner.

Whatever the food, the drink is Teh Botol S*sro (a.k.a tea). Yeah, thet sound is so familiar on the TV although just an ads. Tea lovers, generally they looks so relax, enjoy, and easy to facing their life. Don't be hurried. But if there is a reason, they will stay to get it. So for you who have a friends like it, you must be patient if you don't want to be hurried for left by them. And stop to press them.
3. Juice

For you who like juice, you must be like any challenge and dare to take any risk. Informed, juice lovers is a guy with easy to bored personallity and they'll be happy when facing somethings new. If you have a friends like that, you should be ready when they shows a wonderful surprise to you. And make sure that you don't be complain on around them, because they don't like with a man or woman who have a childish characteristic.
4. Mineral Water

Some people said that, mineral water lovers are simple guy and no too much wants. But don't be wrong, compared with another man or woman type, their soul is more sensitive, poetic and of course they're romantic. If they love and stay to someone, They'll effort to pleasure it with stronger strengh. Mineral water lovers are economic guy because the price of mineral water is cheaper than the drinks up there hahahaha . .. .
Ok, because the moon is flashing in my roof, and my eyes start to close. I must finish this write and I hope it can be usefull for you. Good night and see ya ^__^
source : http://www.indowebster.web.id/showthread.php?t=114090
Translated by Hendrianto Kusuma
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